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Your neck doesn’t just house your windpipe and food tube (trachea and esophagus), it also keeps your head up and mobile through the upper section of the spinal column and the four major muscle groups that support head and neck movement. Neck pain is a common complaint that people struggle...
Your nervous system is the complex network that travels throughout the body and transmits information back to the brain, controlling a multitude of functions we take for granted, like sensation, memory, awareness and movement. The central nervous system is at the heart of that network, consisting of your brain and...
Muscles are a key part of your body’s ability to move, working in combination with your bones, joints, nerves, and other connective tissue like tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Part of how muscles move includes contractions, which is when they tighten and shorten as they perform a task. This is essential...
When you stub your toe, cut your finger, or feel a drop of water on your skin, your nervous system is hard at work transmitting information to your brain to help you feel these sensations. This complex series of neural pathways run throughout your body and play a part in...
The word spine denotes a central axis or support, or a segmented and stiff part of something, such as the part of a book or the hard parts of a leaf. The human spine is no different, and it serves as the central structure for the upper body, connecting your...
Headache disorders affect millions of people globally, with one in 20 adults coping with some form of headache pain nearly every day. Virtually everyone gets a headache once in a while, but with the chronic problems associated with headache disorders, people struggle with pain that can sometimes be disabling. A...
The brain, spinal cord, and nerves that make up your nervous system are responsible for all the signals that help you breathe, heal, see, feel, taste, hear and so much more. Your brain is the center of this system, and headache disorders are a major problem that affects people globally. ...
A radiofrequency ablation procedure is an effective tool in relieving chronic pain related to arthritis in the spine (i.e. neck or low back) or joints. An RFA procedure is minimally invasive and consists of administering radiofrequency waves to certain nerves. By doing so, pain signals carried to the brain by...
Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) have been used to treat pain since the 1960’s. The device was invented to treat chronic pain and over the years has been found to provide relief to a wide range of types of pain associated with many different conditions. SCS might be the answer for...
Vertebral compression fractures involve one or multiple small breaks in the vertebrae and occur when the bony block or vertebral body collapses. Compression fractures often occur within older individuals over the age of 50 with osteoporosis (weakening of bones in postmenopausal women and older men). Other causes include sport or...
Background Lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal and can in turn cause impingement of the spinal cord leading to a variety of symptoms including but not limited to: Back pain Burning pain in the buttocks and down the bilateral lower extremities Numbness, tingling,...
Background Finding a treatment that works for your migraines (i.e. chronic migraine, tension-type headaches, etc) can be a long and stressful experience. Botox treatment has been found to be an effective way of managing and controlling migraines. Although people generally associate Botox with reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles, Onabotlinum...
Normally, the body is temporarily paralyzed while sleeping due to multiple neuronal pathways. When these pathways are inhibited, the body’s motor neurons will remain active while sleeping. This can result in a variety of movements and vocalizations taking place while sleeping and lead to one physically acting out their dreams....
Radiculopathy is a condition that results from compression of the nerves at the nerve root, the area where the nerves leave the spine. This can be caused by injury or trauma to the spine or degenerative changes that can take place with time, like herniated discs, bone spurs, thickening of...
The years after retirement are meant to be the “Golden years.” A time to enjoy a break from the 9 am. to 5 pm. routine. A time to spoil grandkids, play golf, join a book club, volunteer at church, and do everything we have put off in our working...